Daidokoro - the Japanese kitchen

Daidokoro - the Japanese kitchen

Hosted by: pat tokuyama

You're about to discover some of the tastiest ways to feed your mind, body and soul. A pharmacist by training you may know Pat Tokuyama as the founder of all day I eat like a shark, the food blog, YouTube channel,...


0. Ichigoichie (once in a lifetime) trip to asia

Season #2 Episode #1

if you could travel for an extended period of time would you? listen and subscribe on your favorite platforms 🦈iTunes https://www.alldayieat.com/go/daidokoroitunes/ 🦈Spotify...
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1. what you can do in a cold january winter in japan

Season #2 Episode #2

in spite of snow and below freezing temps, here's what you can do in the middle of winter while in japan or korea 😉 listen and subscribe on your favorite platforms 🦈iTunes...
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2. 7 mistakes you dont wanna make on your next trip to japan - reality check

Season #2 Episode #3

going to japan or know someone who is? here's 7 things to be mindful of for traveling in japan ✔️ listen and subscribe on your favorite platforms 🦈iTunes https://www.alldayieat.com/go/daidokoroitunes/ 🦈Spotify...
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what its like to eat at a michelin rated restaurant | how to chose your next experience

Season #2 Episode #13

interested in trying or already tried a michelin starred restaurant? here's 5 things to consider for your next decision ✔️ listen and subscribe on your favorite...
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