5 Japanese meals in 5 days 

30 minutes or less



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If you're wondering how this training can help you ...

have you ever struggled withĀ any of the following?

  1. Not knowing where or how to start cooking a new or foreign / 'exotic' cuisine
  2. Cooking something that just didn't taste right after spending an hour+ prepping and cooking it
  3. Cooking the same old thing week in week out because it was your default or you couldn't make decision on what new dishes to cook
  4. Or worse, getting your default takeout, frozen food or premade food from the grocery store. Blehh!!!


I've been there. 


  1. I've cooked all kinds of cuisines, Chinese, Mexican, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Italian. If there was a bootcamp to teach the essentials of each of those cuisines, I would've absolutely have done it. I learn best by watching others!
  2. Prepping and cooking for hours only to end up with a mediocre or totally inedible dish? Ugh!! that's the worst! The last time I did that was with a Mexican style shrimp I tried to make with chiles I bought on a trip to Mexico. I was SO disappointed! Not only did I waste my good chiles, but also the expensive WILD shrimp!! Yes I it was so bad I tossed it :(
  3. Cooking regularly was something I struggled with given my busy work schedule and long commute. But as I began to incorporate cooking into my routine, it soon became a habit. And it wasn't difficult because I love food. I love eating. And I also love cooking! Which I'm sure if you agree, is one reason why you'll sign up!  :)
  4. It's easier than ever these days to eat quickly and not so healthy. Especially if you live in a decent size city or developed area, we have Prime Now, Uber Eats and a variety of other convenient choices like frozen food or deli foods to satiate our hunger. And I admit I occassionally use them, it's far less than what I used to.


So what's all this have to do with cooking Japanese food? 

Well, I finally realized what it took to overcome the challenges I listed above.

And that's just scratching the surface as to what has kept me and may be keeping you from cooking Japanese.

In the first part of the bootcamp, we'll discuss a few things that might be challenges for you and how to overcome them.

We'll also talk about the ingredients you need to cook authentic Japanese food at home. So that it tastes the way it does in Japan!

And last, we'll finish up with a few ways to help you save time and money so that you can cook smarter and eat healthier at home.

See you on the inside!



start the 5 day training today and

in 5 days you'll get 5 SIMPLE Japanese meals you can make in less than 30 minutes!

When you join the 5 day training for $5

Here's What You're Going to Discover

  • 5 REAL Reasons why you're not cooking Japanese food, and it's not what you think!
  • The ESSENTIAL ingredients of a Japanese pantry that'll enable you to cook Japanese food all year long, WITHOUT getting bored!
  • 5 SIMPLE Japanese meals you can make in less than 30 minutes so you can enjoy Japanese cuisine without spending hours in the kitchen
  • How to BE the home cook that brings out authentic Japanese flavors full of flavor and umami and makes your friends and family ask for more
  • How to spend LESS time cooking and actually EAT MORE Japanese food at home!
  • Over 10 core ad-free HD video lessons
  • Downloadable Japanese cooking ebook ($10 value) yours to keep
  • and much much more!

Japanese Pantry

Learn about essential ingredients you need to start cooking Japanese food at home


Dashi is the multipurpose ingredient that can be used for a variety of dishes. Learn a few tips on how to make it from scratch and how to best use it

Apply Your Knowledge

To get you started, we'll make a good variety of seasonal Japanese dishes using Japanese pantry ingredients, dashi, and simple recipes to get you eating in less than 30 minutes!

Who this 5 day training is for

  • You want help cooking Japanese food at home so it tastes like food in Japan
  • You aren't sure what ingredients you need or how to use them in Japanese recipes
  • You want to improve your cooking skills and knowledge

Sound like you? If so, reserve your spot below!

start the 5 day training today and

in 5 days you'll get 5 SIMPLE Japanese meals you can make in less than 30 minutes!

Meet Pat Tokuyama!

Pat Tokuyama is a tofu enthusiast, who also happens to roast coffee and travels the world for music, surf and adventure. 

In 2016, he established All day i eat like a shark to share his love for healthy cooking and travel. Being impacted by the books he had read, he decided in mid-2018 to write his own book on Japanese tofu - Tofu Ryouri - Simple Japanese Tofu Recipes to Cook Healthier at Home. This was his way of helping others discover the wonderful world of Japanese tofu.

Pat continues to regularly create videos and share his love of Japanese cuisine. With weekly recipes, he makes Japanese food simple and accessible for other home cooks and foodies to recreate in their own home. 

When Pat isn't working, he can be found backpacking (or dreaming of it). What's backpacking you ask? Simply said, backpacking is carrying a bunch of stuff in a backpack and walking off in the wilderness until you're too tired to carry it.

Sometimes he takes his fishing pole and tries his luck in the lake. No sharks there, but sometimes no fish either. At least that bite. But there are bears.

But unlike sharks, bears don't eat all day, now do they?

Just in case, he carries a small bottle of honey to distract the bears in case of an encounter. Why the honey?


Bears love honey. Just ask Winnie the Pooh.

kidding :)

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